Kiosks allow customers to complete self-service transactions, expand inventory reach by providing in-store access to online products, and help build customer loyalty. Brand marketers use kiosks to educate potential customers, getting a consistent message across without employing sales people. The touch interface is universal and can be used by anyone regardless of language, education, or cultural background.
Health care Kiosk
experience in self service check-in and emergency department patient flow.
overview of features, benifits, and ROI potential.
patient list summary and case study downloads.
turnkey solutions
Utility Kiosk
Taking payments can be managed by using a dedicated self-service payment kiosk.
to execute transactions in a location, manner, or volume that would make live staffing unfeasible, like during busy hours
State & Local Goverment Kiosk
self-service kiosks automate high demand functions
inmate commisarry and banking intergrate with jail managment systems
the solution to navigating campus life
customers pay routine bills conveniently
Marketing Kiosk
Gain specific details about the users and/or customers who visit your location
Utilize the data to improve your customer experience/satisfaction
Empower and gratify your users/customers by asking for their opinion
Identify and capitalize on your target market
Potentially improve your revenue by learning more about your users/customers
Retail Kiosk
Reduce transaction cost and increase efficiency.
Expand sales options
Self-service boots sales and convienience
unattended sales delivery Solutions
Education Kiosk
Class Registration
Book/Research Material Location
Book Store Online Purchasing
Volunteer Applications
Decreased Wait Times for Registration/Purchasing
Reduced Costs for Payroll/Overhead
Increased Employee Proficiency
Increased Branding/Visibility
Donations Kiosk
Inspire spontaneous and anonymous giving
Accept Debit, Credit, Electronic Check or Cash(optional)
Accept donations any time of the day
Generate greater visibility and attention
Encourage many first time and recurring contributions
Donor may contribute to a general fund or select a preferred category
Issue paper and email receipts for tax record keeping purposes
Entertainment Kiosk
Customer Reward & Loyalty Programs
Event Highlights & Updates
Event Betting Purchase
Event Ticket Purchase
Promotional Offers/Giveaways
Ordering Menu Items
Ticket Redemption for Prizes
Birthday Party/Customer Check-in
Church Kiosk
Promote your ministry, guest speakers and events
Allow Parishioners to make Offerings & Donations with Credit/Debit Cards.
They can also give online Offerings & Donations.
Allow parishioners to promote their businesses
Your ministries books, tapes, etc. can be promoted at kiosk
Sign up for Giving on Mobile at kiosk
Deposited directly into your banking account
Accepts credit cards and debit cards
Receipt printed for offering tray or your receipt
Capitol bankcard offers cuztomized Kiosks tailored to suit your bussiness needs
Industry Solutions:
Health Care
Church Kiosk
Donation Kiosk
Market Solutions
Fundraising Kiosk
HR Kiosk
Security Kiosk
Gaming Kiosk
Ticketing Kiosk
Locker kiosk
Retail Kiosk
Automaited Retail Kiosk
Financial Kiosk
Health Care Kiosk
Ordering Entry Kiosk
Check-in Kiosk
Information Kiosk
College Kiosk
Campus Kiosk
Photo Kiosk
Gov't Solutions
DMV Kiosk
Corrections Kiosk
Education Kiosk
Travel & Tourisum Kiosk
Bill Payment Kiosk