POS Check Conversion
Point of Sale (POS) Conversion provides the necessary tools for merchants to accept and process checks electronically at the point-of-sale, just like a credit card. Using a check reader or imager connected to a credit card terminal, merchants are able to process and deposit checks without making a trip to the bank. By offering more payment options, your business can increase sales and customer satisfaction.
Cpitol Bankcard Merchant Service Solutions along with our Partners has given our merchants the protection and assurance that Check Guarantee provides which eliminates the risk of accepting bad checks. Merchants can have peace of mind knowing that all funds are guaranteed by the processor. Using our simple procedures during a transaction and all risk is transfered to the processor, Guarantee ensures merchant receives funding on the check.This program has the highest approval ratings in the industry, and can greatly inprove your cash flow, eliminating collection opperation. Also non-suffient funds coverage are available for even greater protection. Check Guarantee provides merchants the freedom to accept checks without fear.
E-Check Guarantee Solutions

Paper Check Guarantee
Paper Guarantee enables merchants to accept checks at the point of sale. During face-to-face transactions, verification and authorization are obtained for a swift approval or decline. Merchants manually deposit the paper checks at the bank and receive guaranteed funding. It’s a fast and simple solution to increase revenue.
Remote Deposit Capture
Remote Deposit Capture (RDC) is the process of recording an image of a check that can be transmitted electronically in place of the paper document. This means faster, safer processing. Accept all kinds of paper checks and skip the trip to the bank. Using an intuitive web base interface and imager connected to a PC, merchants are able to accepts checks.